Truth for Teachers
2nd Grade Place Value: 14 math games
2nd Grade Place Value: 14 math games
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These 14 games have everything you need for teaching CCSS-aligned second grade place value for only $1 each! The games reinforce each Number and Operations in Base Ten Common Core standard (2.NBT.A.1, 2.NBT.A.2, 2.NBT.A.3, 2.NBT.A.4, 2.NBT.B.5, 2.NBT.B.6, 2.NBT.B.7, 2.NBT.B.8, 2.NBT.B.9) covering key learning targets such as:
• Explain the value of each digit in a 3 digit number
• Represent 3 digit numbers with base ten blocks and drawings
• Count within 1,000 from any given number
• Skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s
• Read and write expanded form, base ten numerals, and number names
• Compare two 3 digit numbers based on the place value of each digit
• Use greater than/ less than/ equal (> < =) to signs to compare
• Identify the order in which to add 3 digit numbers (right to left)
• Use place value and associative and commutative properties to add and subtract
• Add and subtract within 100 fluently
• Add four 2 digit numbers
• Use models and other strategies to add and subtract within 1,000
• Mentally add and subtract 10 and 100 from a given number
Although the games are perfect for two-player math stations, math centers, math tubs, etc., you can engage your students in meaningful problem-solving discussions by having them all play the same game at the same time for about 10 minutes per day. This is a math partner game routine I've created and explained thoroughly in the preview.
These are the three main benefits to having all kids play the same game at the same time: 1) You can conduct mini-lessons and strategy discussions around shared experiences before and after gameplay, 2) You can focus on facilitating critical thinking and observing students' problem-solving attempts during gameplay, and 3) Students play the same game for a week, so you have lots of targeted opportunities for reinforcing higher-level thinking skills, identifying and addressing misconceptions, and scaffolding student learning.
There are so many games included in this product that you can play some during math partner game routines, use some as small group lessons or whole class lesson activities, place some in your math centers, and even send some home for students to play with their families! The game cards and resources can double as student manipulatives during math lessons. Each and every one of these versatile games features:
- Integration of higher-level thinking and critical thinking skills (not just rote practice)
- Hands-on activities through which kids actively construct knowledge: no worksheets!
- Options for open-ended gameplay so that students are not "finished" until time is up
- "Challenge" activities to extend gameplay and/or differentiate it
- "Math Talk" questions/prompts to encourage students to analyze strategies and reflect orally or in writing about what they're learning
These two-player math games were created for (not retro-fitted to) the increased rigor of the CCSS, so they will be challenging for most students. The games are designed to help you model and reinforce the math practices and core content skills that students will need when solving complex, multi-step word problems. Here's what you'll get in the product download:
* 20 pages of info and forms that contain everything you need to get started with math partner games. There are blank partner game lists, tips (with photos!) for how to create/ store/ organize/ distribute/ collect the games, and lots of ideas for how the games can be used for skill-based mini lessons and math journal reflections.
* 14 pages of game instructions: there's one page for each game, featuring the materials needed, directions for gameplay, a Challenge activity, Math Talk
questions/prompts, the CCSS alignment, and student-friendly "I Can" statements.
* 32 pages of sports-and-stars-themed game boards, cards, and other colorful and fun materials for gameplay. Most of the materials are open-ended and can be used in lots of different ways so you have fewer items to print and create. The only additional items you need to provide are page protector sheets and Vis-à-vis or dry-erase markers, dice, and base ten block manipulatives.
UPDATED: PRINT AND GO! Your purchase now includes a link to a folder with individual PDFs for each game! If you only want to print and use one game at a time, you can easily print just the PDF with that game’s instructions and materials.
IMPORTANT: These games are designed to be introduced and modeled by the teacher before releasing students to play on their own. Because the games are rigorous and not basic matching/sorting activities, the directions may be too difficult for some 2nd graders to read and follow independently if you have not previously shown them how to play. I encourage you to view a sample of the game instructions by downloading the preview.
ALSO NOTE: I have adapted each game concept to meet the level of rigor required at the corresponding grade level, and no two games are exactly alike. However, because there is some overlap in the place value standards between grade levels, some of the games and materials in the 1st-5th number and operations products are similar. Please keep this in mind when considering whether to purchase games for multiple grade levels.
See what other teachers are saying!
I'm a huge fan of everything Angela creates and this product is no exception. It helped me build up my math game supply and the activities all meet the math standards. I love that it's specifically for 2nd grade. :) - Amy B.
We are loving the games. I appreciate that you put them in sets tied to math domains. I purchased this set because it is a particular area my class this year is working on. - Jennifer S.
Great resource and love your detailed explanation at the beginning of this resource. Thanks for sharing. - Patricia R.
Thank you! I have been looking for games to make my math lessons more rigorous and meaningful. - Classroom Network
I am excited to use these for my guided math groups when I am meeting with small groups. - Jessica Mullanix
HUGE assortment of games that are perfectly aligned to the standards! - Lisa M.
My students loved putting these together - and playing the games. Thank You! - Pamela P.
Love these! Great for early finishers! - Angel S.
Love! Love! Love! Fits great with new Common Core! - Sara C.
Place value is one area my students need a lot of practice. These games are perfect. School begins next week and these games will make the perfect start. - Teresa S.
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Be sure to check out my website where there are hundreds of pages of classroom management resources that make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable! You'll find photos, activities, printable forms/posters, and more.